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Safeguarding Network for Governors

Who are these for?

These networks are for members of education settings' governing bodies, or equivalent (academy councillors and proprietors). The sessions are particularly beneficial to those with specific safeguarding responsibilities, but are useful to all governors.

Why should I engage?

The networks fulfil duties under statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education Part 2 - the management of safeguarding

  • To keep up to date with local safeguarding arrangements and provide a mechanism to engage with the Local Safeguarding Partnership (Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership). 
  • To ensure adequate updates for knowledge and skills in addition to formal training. 
  • Provide a chance to develop and share good practice and contribute towards a community of practice.
  • Network with other education settings.

Standing Agenda

  • News
  • Updates from the Local Safeguarding Partnership
  • Topical Safeguarding issues.

Each session will allow for networking and reflective exercises. 

When do they occur?

These happen every other Bristol term (3 times a year) and last for about an hour and a half. The session is repeated twice to suit governor's availability - you only need to attend one session. 


Upcoming Events

Please follow us on X @SETBristol or sign up to our mailing list to be notified of future events. 

Governor Network Materials

Missed a meeting? Don't worry. You can find links to slides and associated materials below.