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School Attendance Networks


An opportunity for School Attendance Leads to get together, receive attendance related input from Local Authority colleagues and other partner agencies, and to learn from each other.


These meetings will include attendance related updates from the Education Welfare Service and Safeguarding in Education Team. Some meetings will include guest speakers from partner agencies too. These meetings will also be a valuable opportunity to network with colleagues from other schools and to learn from each other's good practice. The meetings will help to ensure school staff are aware of the current attendance expectations for schools, including Ofsted's expectations.


Participants will:
Be provided with up to date information about any changes in legislation and national guidance
Be provided with National and Bristol attendance data, including data by vulnerable groups and by absence codes
Receive specialist input on attendance related issues from partner agencies
Consider Bristol's attendance strategy, guidance and processes in more detail
Consider and reflect on their own school's attendance data and processes and identify areas for specific focus
Learn from other schools' good practice
Ask questions
Suggest areas which future SAN meetings should include

For information about dates and to book please click hereĀ