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Upcoming workshops & training dates for your diaries.

The Disabled Childrens' team started work in March across Education, Health, Social Care with the DFE and the 'Centre for Systemic Social Work' (CFSSW) in a pilot to see if the principles of systemic thinking is beneficial to the process of the EHCP. This is linked to the ‘Outcomes Framework’ and development work with SEN.

They've received good feedback from the group and the DFE have agreed to fund further development work across their system, and further dates of face to face training for leaders and operational staff (see below for dates). 

On the 20 September 2022 in city hall we are hosting the first workshop for all partners across Health, Education, Social Care to come together to work together under a systemic framework. If you would like to be part of shaping work in this area we would be delighted to hear from you. We are particularly interested in Head teacher and senior leaders joining this work, we have other work planned with operational leads (such as SENDCOs).


You are inviting you to participate in the workshops below:







Please book, or for further information, please email the

There are hundreds of professionals that support children in the education, health, and care, if you do not feel this is right for you but another professional, please share widely, we have  a limited number and want representation from all sectors. 


Further training dates:


Leaders - Face to face training 

Suitable for: special heads, head teachers,  mangers and seniors in our teams.

  1. Monday 28 November 2022
  2. Monday 12 December 2022
  3. Monday 9 January 2023


Practitioners – Online training

Suitable for: SENCO’s, social care staff for EHCP, Educational phycologists, any staff who do contributions.

  1. Thursday 26 January
  2. Thursday 9 February
  3. Thursday 23 February
  4. Thursday 9 March
  5. Thursday 23 March


Please book, or for further information, please email the