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Online Staff Prevent Awareness Training for Education

The DfE continue to hold online Prevent awareness sessions for FE/skills staff. The sessions cover all of the important issues that staff need to know for Prevent  (What is Prevent?, What is radicalisation? Case study example, Common signs of vulnerability & radicalisation, Current threat level & the main risks from terrorism & extremism).


The session is suitable for all education sector organisations but is particularly useful for smaller organisations who may struggle to provide a more detailed Prevent input to smaller staff cohorts. You can use this training for new staff in all education based organisations or for those staff who need a more detailed insight or update.


Only those staff attending using the MS Teams invite will be able to receive a certificate of attendance (which is sent out directly a day or two prior to the session).


Prevent Planning Webinar for FE Skills Providers

Below are also links to a free webinar session that our team hold each quarter aimed at briefing new providers, those that are less confident in their arrangements or just wish to ensure that they remain compliant with the Prevent Duty.

The webinar has been refreshed to take account of the structure & wording of the Revised Prevent Duty Guidance which takes effect on 31st January 2023.


Following the webinar attendees will receive an attendance certificate, a detailed slide set resource & other materials that may be requested & agreed during the session.