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The event started by looking at the local need in Bristol. We looked at the local educational outcomes data for children from black, asian, and minoritised backgrounds.



Bristol City Council have been working with a team at UWE to research and develop a Race Equality strategic school planning tool. The tool is intended to be used to analyse and identify strengths and gaps to ensure actions are deep rooted in anti-racist practice.

The event allowed for consultation with Bristol Headteachers to ensure that the document is as useful as possible and complements your collective strength on school improvement. The intention is that the tool will be supported by a core CPD offer and signpost to both local and national support and resources.

During the event we heard from Jon Jones, senior principle at Bristol Brunel Academy and Andrea Parker, Headteacher at Bonneville Primary School and Lead Headteacher for Lambeth’s ‘Raising the Game’.

Jon talked about his work and development of the strategy ‘Pan Bristol Collaboration on Black Caribbean Achievement’.

Andrea shared with us a programme she is leading on called ‘Raising the Game’ and how through its interventions and the fantastic work of schools across Lambeth they have seen a reduction in permanent exclusions, stronger connections with parents, and more emphasis on a diverse curriculum.