University of Bristol research study – Understanding disposable e-cigarette use amongst young people in the Southwest of England
Research outline
The purpose of this study is to better understand the use of nicotine and e-cigarettes – particularly disposable devices – in and around Bristol. This is important to identify local needs and inform actions if required.
We are doing this work now, as disposable e-cigarette use is reportedly increasing in young people. While e-cigarette use is advocated for quitting smokers, they are not recommended for use in non-smokers or young people and may put them at increased risk of harm.
The aims of this study are to understand; 1) patterns and prevalence of nicotine and disposable e-cigarette use among young people; 2) how products are sourced and 3) attitudes towards, and motivations to use disposable e-cigarettes 4) explore possible actions to tackle rising use and/or reduce harm.
What will my school/college have to do if we want to take part?
What will the research team do?
What will parents and students have to do?
Parents/carers will be provided with an information sheet and asked for their consent for their child to participate in a short survey. If they are happy for their child to participate, they will be asked to provide their child’s email address. Students will then be sent a survey invite by the research team. Students do not have to take part if they do not wish to, even if their parents have consented.
Students will also be given an opportunity to ask questions and asked to sign a digital assent form before they begin the survey to confirm that they are happy to take part. They will be told that they can withdraw from the study at any time by closing their internet browser. The data will be anonymised and therefore cannot be individually shared with parents. Surveys will take 20-25 minutes to complete. Students and staff who complete the survey will receive a £5 Love2Shop e-voucher.
*** Please note survey data is anonymous***
We cannot therefore share individual student’s survey responses with parents or the school.
What are the possible benefits of your school taking part?
The information we get from this study will help us to understand the issues locally and if there is a need to develop new policy and interventions to help young people stop using e-cigarettes.
In return for your participation, we can (upon request):
Will the school/college, staff and students’ participation be kept confidential?
Yes. The school’s name will not be disclosed in the reporting of this study. We will collate data from across all schools that participate and remove identifying information about any school/college, staff member or child participant. (More details are available in the parent, student and staff information sheets also attached).
Who has reviewed the study?
This study has received ethics approval from the School of Psychological Science Research Ethics Committee at the University of Bristol (approval code: 14004).
If you have any concerns related to this study, please direct them to the Psychological Science Human Research Ethics Committee. (
Who can I contact for further information?
If you have any questions about the study, please contact Jasmine Khouja (, Joe Matthews ( or Angela Attwood ( at the School of Psychological Science, University of Bristol.