Carnival is approaching this weekend.
We are asking colleagues in schools to consider supporting keep their children and families safe on the day by cascading the following checklists that have been created in partnership with the Safeguarding in Education Team, Safer Options and St Pauls Carnival.
Depending on the cohort of your setting/community, you may want to use just the parents/carers checklist (for early years/primary school aged). For secondary and Post 16 you may wish to use the young person's check list.
These are in word documents so you can amend if you feel the need to reflect messages that you would like to reinforce for your cohort for children.
St Pauls Carnival Parent/carers checklist
St Pauls Carnival Young persons checklist
If you have the time and capacity to do an assembly there are some wonderful resources on the St Pauls Carnival Website St Pauls Carnival Library — St Pauls Carnival. You may wish to discuss staying safe verbally with students and go through the check lists.
Keep it carnival!