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This is a gentle reminder for education settings who are working year 11 cohorts that you should be considering preventative work to support ease their transition into their Post 16 providers. 

Following our event earlier this academic year we identified this was a particularly vulnerable time for adolescents and that from learning from statutory reviews that information sharing (or lack of information sharing) was an area of vulnerability. It is acknowledged that there are often systemic barriers which complicate this process. 

Last academic year and during the event we res-hared an information sharing framework which for advanced sharing for information and preparing for sending safeguarding files in September. 

We have updated the tool to include suggested dates by which you want to consider putting them into action. It is hoped that many of you have incorporated these into your strategic safeguarding already. 

Transfer of files post 16 Template.docx

In addition to this we have created a Pupil Passport which can support you avoid the complexities around  around GDPR by supporting learners to own their own information and where it goes.