This page provides access links and resources to support you with effective safeguarding arrangements as a leader within an education setting.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) holds lead responsibility for Safeguarding and Child Protection (including online safety) arrangements within settings (duties are outlined in Annex C, Keeping Children Safe in Education). However, safeguarding is everybody’s business. For effective practice good partnership working with other colleagues within settings is required.
We strongly encourage development of Safeguarding Teams to promote resilience and sustainability of safeguarding practice. The DSL can coordinate and delegate safeguarding and child protection operational duties to deputies or other necessary staff. Please don't forget to let us know of any changes or developments within your safeguarding teams.
Part 2 of Keeping Children Safe in Education makes it clear that all members of the Senior Leadership Team in settings should be aware of and follow their local arrangements set by the Local Safeguarding Partnership. It is essential to have school leaders responsible for behaviour, Special Educational Needs (SEN), attendance and RSHE as part of your extended safeguarding team - in recognition that a setting’s systems need to work together.
For settings to sustain specialist safeguarding knowledge and skills, ensure that different members of the team take on a different specialism e.g, Domestic abuse, Prevent, Child Exploitation.
Keeping Children Safe in Education states that DSLs (and deputies) must have formal training every 2 years to provide them with the knowledge and skills required to carry out the role.
It is recommended that colleagues new to the role are able to make effective safeguarding referrals and contribute towards assessments in line with their duties under the Local Safeguarding Partnership. To this end, we recommend that new colleagues complete the Multi-Agency Advanced Child Protection Training before they undertake the single agency New Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Course.
Please click here to find out the range of courses that you can undertake.
Every year, we provide schools with free up to date Safeguarding Awareness refresher training materials. To access these please click here.
All settings have a duty to ensure effective safeguarding arrangements and compliance with statutory guidance and legislation. This includes keeping up to date and following local (through the Local Safeguarding Partnership) and national expectations.
The easiest and most effective way to ensure the setting’s compliance is to complete the local annual safeguarding audit: the s.175.
The results of the audit will enable to you to identify strengths and areas of development. This will assist you in prioritising future work.
The role of the DSL is varied and demanding - it is imperative that whilst you can 'tick a box' to be complaint with expectations on paper, you consider the effectiveness of your setting's arrangements (not just whether you have them in place or not).
Develop safeguarding knowledge and skills in your setting.
The Safeguarding in Education Team has created and developed resources to assist you in developing effective safeguarding practice.
The first thing is not to panic. Often individuals will reach out to Ofsted when they are unhappy about one aspect of your setting. This doesn’t mean that you or your setting have done anything wrong and the process can often act as a catalyst for positive change.
It is very easy for an individual to make a complaint against a setting to Ofsted and it can be achieved through a short email or telephone conversation. Although Ofsted first try to check that a complaint has been through the setting's complaints process before getting in touch, this is not always the case. Some individuals find it challenging or daunting approaching setting's leadership and the anonymity of Ofsted feels like a safer and easier way to make their voice heard. Complainants have the option of contacting Ofsted if they remain dissatisfied at the outcome from the setting’s complaints procedure. The process should be viewed as one of a number of fail safe measures in place to ensure settings are achieving positive educational outcomes for all pupils.
Click here for further information regarding Ofsted complaints.
Resources for Case Work with children and families
Resources for strategic Safeguarding
It is imperative you update the Local Authority of any changes in safeguarding staff to ensure that effective collaborative partnership working under statutory guidance and legislation.
Please keep us informed by using the forms on this page - Establishment Contact Forms