Those of you who work directly with children are in a good position to provide early intervention and support to vulnerable children by:
Your DSL (or safeguarding team) will have oversight of all vulnerable children. You should continue to liaise and share concerns with them and work together to ensure support is coordinated.
If you are asked to carry out an intervention or support for a learner you are working with and you would like some resources for this, please click here.
Read and understand Part 1 and Annex B of statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education.
The National Grid for Learning has translated this into different languages (Arabic, Bengali, Cantonese, Gujarati, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu, Somali), click here to access.
You must have also read the following of your setting’s policies:
If you are likely to be working with other professionals such as social workers, the police or school nurses it is strongly recommended that you read Working Together to Safeguard Children - Statutory guidance on inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
You should have had access to safeguarding awareness training organised by the setting’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). If you have not received this, or are unsure, you should liaise with your Designated Safeguarding Lead as they have a responsibility to maintain an oversight of who is trained in the setting.
To refresh your knowledge please access our basic safeguarding awareness resources.
It may be that you hold a particular interest or hold significant experience working on a specific safeguarding topic. If you would like to continue your professional development and at the same time assist raising awareness of a safeguarding topic in your setting liaise with your Designated Safeguarding Lead.
It is important that you do not deliver anything without consulting the DSL or PSHE/RSHE lead as safeguarding is a sensitive topic. Due consideration must be made to ensure that support is in place to manage and respond to any potential disclosures that may happen as a result of a lesson. This can include the need for whole staff training, managing the needs of vulnerable learners, and liaison with the parenting community.
The RSHE Hub has now closed, you can request access to the free resources by sending an email with your name and school to:
Reporting a concern
You must always comply with your setting's Safeguarding and Child Protection policy and procedures - it may be the case that colleagues are already working on a plan to promote the safety and welfare of a child.
If you are worried a child in suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, you should alert your Designated Safeguarding Lead immediately. In the rare occurrence that they are not available, or you disagree with a decision not to refer to children's social care, you should take timely action to make a referral yourself.
Click here to learn how to make a referral to First Response (for Bristol children only).
If you are working with a child from another Local Authority, you will need to contact their equivalent. Click here to identify which team to contact.
If a child is at immediate risk of harm - you must phone 999.