Do consider whether you have children either directly affected or by proximity. Statutory agencies believe that we already have this information but you may have additional information that hasn't been shared. If you can, follow your usual safeguarding processes around this. If you need advice - please contact a member of the Bristol's Safeguarding in Education Team (
The Critical incident support will have to target and prioritise support for the settings of the children directly involved in the incident,
We are minded on the potential for risk of retaliation and retribution.
We know different members of the community will require different levels of support. will need to be proportionate to presenting need.
Attached are some resources that the Education Psychology Service have created that might help you formulate your responses to your community but also shape what you do in the next week.
Communicate with your communities - both children and families:
HEAL – Help Empower Adolescent Lives:
Heal are a Mental Health and Wellbeing Service (Barnardo’s) which works to educate and support those affected, indirectly, by serious violence in their community. Ordinarily they would be working with secondary and post 16 aged children – however speaking to the manager Carly Johnson they are happy to work with primary settings too. A summary of what they can provide can be accessed here.
You can make referrals through the referral form - these should be sent to
Please be aware that schools and settings who have been directly impacted by recent events maybe prioritised.
2 Wish - England - 2 Wish
2wish support anyone affected by the sudden and unexpected death of a child or young person aged 25 and under.
2wish offer immediate support after the sudden and unexpected death of a child or young person aged 25 and under. With consent, details are passed on to 2wish, usually from the hospital or police and, once the referral has been received, contact will be made with 24-48 hours by one of our Immediate Support Coordinators.
Once initial contact has been made, the Immediate Support Coordinator will arrange a home visit as soon as possible. Home visits and ongoing telephone support will continue for as long as the family and the Immediate Support Coordinator feel it is appropriate and beneficial.
2wish have expanded support into England, currently to Avon and Somerset
Whilst children, families and communities are affected in different ways. Its important that we respect the lived experiences of those affected. Here are a few resources that can support with assessing need and support with taking action.
It is important to try and protect the dignity of families, manage speculative risk of children on the periphery and integrity of statutory assessments and criminal investigations.
Do link in with Bristol City Council Corporate Communications, on 0117 922 2732. For out of hours the contact number is 0117 922 2650.
There continues to be much speculation about the children involved, footage and social media alerts. Please can you continue to push messages to avoid speculation in line with the public messaging from the police.
We cannot confirm who is involved openly, and with the need protect the integrity of investigations and any involved party’s right to a fair trial, we will continue to make direct contact with settings on a case by case basis to ensure safeguarding of members of their community who may be adversely affected.
Actions to take:
For advice and guidance please contact Bristol's Safeguarding in Education Team (
Some colleagues have reported being missed off previous correspondences and or not being invited to strategies.
If you have any changes in staff and have not received correspondence, please double check that someone in your setting has updated us with these - Forms to notify the Local Authority of key contacts within your settings. ( These should include sharing out of office numbers for being informed during evenings and weekends.
School and college security - Guidance to help schools and colleges manage their security effectively so they can meet their obligations.
When should schools call the police guidance - This advice is for school and college staff with responsibility for behaviour management, including designated safeguarding leads (DSLs), their deputies, head teachers and senior leadership teams in schools and colleges in England
Post Incident Support Checklist - .docx (DfE)
Searching, Screening and Confiscation Advice for schools - This publication is intended to explain the screening, searching and confiscating powers a school has, ensuring that headteachers and members of staff have the confidence to use these powers and schools are a calm, safe and supportive environment to learn and work. This publication also provides advice to headteachers and staff on their related legal duties when it comes to these powers. It also includes statutory guidance which schools must have regard to
Police powers to stop and search: your rights - The police can stop and question you at any time - they can search you depending on the situation. A police community support officer (PCSO) must be in uniform when they stop and question you. A police officer does not always have to be in uniform but if they’re not wearing uniform they must show you their warrant card.
Digital-Version-Fearless-org-Snitching-Bystander-Approach.pdf ( This resource has been produced for professionals working with young people throughout the UK. It provides information about,
discusses the barriers to reporting crime including myths around snitching and also information on the Bystander Approach and how you can talk to young people about being an active bystander. You can use this resource to help you to discuss
young people’s perceptions, stimulate debate and encourage conversation around crime and crime reporting.