Safer Recruitment |
Recruitment and selection processes are fully compliant with Keeping Children Safe in Education Part Three and Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) guidelines. |
RED There is limited oversight over the recruitment and selection processes. Governance and senior leadership have not read the most recent versions of statutory guidance and have not reviewed their practice. Practice has followed previous models and processes without consideration for up to date requirements. |
AMBER The designated safeguarding lead has ensured that the relevant members of the senior leadership team and the business manager (or equivalent) has appropriate levels of training. The headteacher/principal including the governor completes annual audits of the relevant recruitment and selection processes to ensure compliance with statutory guidance.
GREEN - in addition to the conditions in the AMBER
Those responsible for recruitment have completed safer recruitment training certified by a company that makes up the Safer Recruitment Practice Consortium. Training is reviewed every three years.
Teacher misconduct: disciplinary procedures - GOV.UK (
The setting has robust measures to conduct pre-employment checks and ensures appropriate record keeping around these checks in a Single Central Record (or equivalent) |
RED The setting does not record appropriate checks securely in one place. |
AMBER The setting does record appropriate checks about all staff, including prohibition from teaching checks for any staff undertaking teaching activity, and volunteers and these are held centrally and securely. There are no gaps within the record. There are tabs on the record that evidence appropriate checks for; teaching staff, support staff, volunteers, contractors, visitors, governors, proprietors, trustees, agency or supply staff. |
GREEN -In addition to the conditions in the AMBER The setting records all appropriate checks about all staff and volunteers centrally and securely.
Where checks have not yet been obtained there are risk assessments in place to cover the interim period.
The record is checked and signed off by the headteacher (or equivalent) and governance at least termly and evidence of this is recorded. Any deficits are addressed promptly. |
The setting has appropriate safeguarding measures and checks when commissioning services from other agencies. |
AMBER The setting conducts some checks but may rely on others to have conducted some checks on their behalf (i.e., when commissioning an provision from the Bristol City Council Alternative Learning Provision Framework, assuming that the individual has appropriate checks because the setting is on the framework) Quality assurance visits take place on an agreed basis supported by a service learning agreement. |
GREEN - In addition to the conditions in the amber The setting has a robust system in place for requesting and recording evidence of appropriate checks. Quality assurance visits take place on site and obtain the voice of relevant staff, children and family members) Where deficits may be identified, the setting alerts the appropriate staff as well as wider teams (i.e., When checks have not been carried out on Alternative Learning Provider staff, the setting is notified alongside the commissioning team at Bristol City Council if the setting is on the Alternative Learning Provider framework).
Promoting Safer Working Practice |
The setting has robust measures in place to ensure there is effective safer working practice which staff are aware of. |
RED There is no evidence of a robust system of safer working practice. This may be identified at induction but is not revisited.
AMBER The setting does highlight safer working practice issues through annual training. The development of these processes is managed only by SLT.
The setting has a system in place to effectively report and record low level concerns.
GREEN - In addition to the conditions in the amber The setting considers safer working practice as part of safeguarding updates throughout the year. The setting involves the whole staff in the development of low-level concerns policies and processes as well as helping staff to understand their role in managing this. There are processes in place to review and respond effectively to the concerns reported, including the ability to review concerns raised to identify trends. |
The settings has effective systems to manage incidents of physical intervention. |
RED The setting has a no-physical intervention policy, Or there is limited records of incidents recorded and no quality assurance around the process. |
AMBER The setting has an effective behaviour policy includes procedures around the use of positive handling and restraint, detailing the circumstances in which physical intervention may be used. This is consistent with national guidance – Use of Reasonable Force in schools 2013. For Early Years providers this also includes adherence to the statutory prohibition of the use or threat of corporal punishment.
The setting has adequate number of staff fully trained - but all staff receive as a minimum a briefing on de-escalation skills. Learners, parents, and carers are aware of settings approach to using physical interventions. There is a bound or numbered book (or equivalent)
GREEN - In addition to the conditions in the amber The setting has a separate positive handling policy. Leadership have learned from serious case reviews and senior leaders have read the ‘Reducing the need for restrictive intervention ‘ 2019 and have reviewed the setting’s policy and practice to ensure those children with additional needs have reasonable adjustments made. A whole setting approach is undertaken around a ‘team teach’ approach or equivalent. Contextual safeguarding approaches are evidenced with location of interventions identified, assessed, and have interventions. There is evidence of the governance, senior leadership team and designated safeguarding leads to identify data trends that impact on practice. |
Use of reasonable force in schools - GOV.UK
Reducing the need for restraint and restrictive intervention - GOV.UK |
Childminders are aware that illegal or inappropriate behaviour of staff and/or members of the same household could affect their suitability as a provider. |
RED There is no awareness of what constitutes inappropriate or illegal behaviour or how to report concerns. |
AMBER There is evidence that staff have been provided training on what constitutes inappropriate or illegal behaviour. There is a clear understanding of who to report any concerns to and how to do this. Reports are made in a timely way and recorded appropriately.
GREEN - In addition to the conditions in the amber The setting reviews it's practice at least on an annual basis and ensures policy, practice and environment are updated to reflect areas of vulnerability.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead regularly reviews and monitors the care that guardians offer in the case of residential settings. This includes the suitability of any care arrangements. |
RED There is no/ inconsistent process in place to monitor or review arrangements. |
AMBER There is a consistent process in place to monitor and review arrangements by the Designated Safeguarding Lead and a member of governance. Concerns are followed up and reported to the appropriate multi-agency partners. |
GREEN In addition to the conditions in the amber Actions are undertaken to identify themes and trends and address concerns at least on an annual basis.