An introductory course to provide a basic awareness of the role of the Governance to support safeguarding strategically in Education Settings. This course will provide information and guidance for Safeguarding Governors in working alongside Designated Safeguarding Leads and in fulfilling the updated governance responsibilities set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education.
Keeping Children Safe in Education recommends that all governors and trustees receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training at induction. This training should equip them with the knowledge to provide strategic challenge to test and assure themselves that the safeguarding policies and procedures in place in schools and colleges are effective and support the delivery of a robust whole school approach to safeguarding.
Training should be updated regularly. The updates will be covered in our Governors Safeguarding Networks.
Who is this for?
This course is for named Governors for Safeguarding and Chairs of Governors. It's also appropriate for other Governors, members of the Senior Leadership Team and/or Designated Safeguarding Leads seeking an introduction to the governing board’s role and responsibilities in this area.
“The pointers to the information Ofsted look for, e.g. key policies to read. The delivery was excellent, well-paced and provided a significant amount of detail Thank you.”
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 Governing Body Duties
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On application - dependent on setting type.