There is a planned strike in education on the 10th October 2024.
This is a quick article for you to consider what you can do to support children to respond and resonate with exercising their political voices in a safe and constructive manner.
The Green House is the specialist support service for children, young people and families impacted by
sexual abuse in Avon and Somerset. They offer individual therapies, family support and a range of groups.
This guide is designed to help. Young people, parents and carers with lived experience wanted to share what worked for them or what could have made a difference.
Anti-Bullying Week 2024 is fast approaching on Monday 11th to Friday 15th November, with the theme: ‘Choose Respect’.
We are pleased to announce that the consultation survey for the Bristol SEND and Inclusion draft strategy 2024–2028 is now live. The survey closes on Monday 28 October and can be filled out here:
See below information on Community Learning, part of the Bristol City Council Employment, Skills and Learning team
You can download their Learner Information Pack here
Beyond Equality is an organisation dedicated to tackling sexism in schools. For the past 18 months, in partnership with Movember, we’ve been facilitating conversations with groups of men across Bristol, Bath and the South West, unpacking the impact that masculinity has on their mental health, relationships and communities. Following the success of this project, and building upon the work we’re already doing in schools around the country, we’re offering interactive seminars and CPD-accredited workshops
The police have asked us share with you the Draft Police and Crime Plan alongside the feedback survey here. The survey is open until 21st October.
The ask has come from Marc Hole and is because there are priorities relating to CSA, children affected by DA, youth violence and school exclusion and the OPCC would like feedback from all partners on the plan.
Welcome back! The new academic year has begun, and we kicked things off last week with our September Attendance Briefings. It was great to see so many of you at the sessions.
If you didn’t manage to make one of the sessions, we did record one, and this is now available on the Attendance Toolkit for you to access ('September Briefings' section).
On the 2nd October, Ken Cornish, the lead of ProjectEvolve will be hosting an online event aimed at discussing the project. At the event you will hear about key insights from the 2024 annual report, and the current state of digital literacy across the UK. The event is completely free please follow the link below:
Annual Safeguarding Refresher slides and model policy, updates from the Local Safeguarding Partnership, and the Safeguarding in Education Team.
Starting at midnight on 24 September 2024, it will be a criminal offence to possess a “zombie-style” knife or machete. These items are being added to the list of prohibited offensive weapons under the Criminal Justice Act 1988, along with a ban on their manufacture, importation, sale, and supply.
To help the public comply with this change, the Home Office has launched a surrender and compensation scheme running from 26 August to 23 September 2024. During this period, you can surrender any zombie-style knife or machete to the police and claim compensation. After 24 September, possessing these items could lead to criminal prosecution.
Advice and guidance to support education leaders to prioritise the safety and welfare of the children and families responding to emerging events
Checklists that can be adapted and shared for children and their families to plan safety during community events. Please cascade to your community!
The availability of illegal vapes containing spice has come to our attention because there have been a few recorded incidents of children in Bristol using them. The children affected believe they are vaping CBD or cannabis but the impact of vaping spice instead has lead to hospitalisations in some cases. Here is some information produced by Lewisham providing more information: Information-on-Adulterated-Vapes-in-Schools_Lewisham.pdf (
The Sky Project are running another online training on 'Understanding Forced Marriage and 'Honour' Based Abuse' on Thursday 27th June 12.30-1.30pm.
Termly update of local and national developments in the safeguarding field.
You will have seen media reports that the Department for Education is about to publish its draft updated statutory guidance on relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) for a consultation as early as this week. The standard consultation period for such guidance is twelve weeks, after which the government will need to consider submitted evidence before publishing final guidance at some point thereafter and providing schools with adequate time to implement the changes. This is in line with its commitment to review the guidance every three years.