Contact Us


Thank you to those who joined us for the DSL Networks this week. We continue to encourage all Bristol settings in their role as relevant agencies to participate in future networks and help us shape a community of practice. 

Click here to view and download the slides from the Network.


Engage with your Local Safeguarding Partnership

Please do continue to engage with the local safeguarding partnerships even if you were unable to attend, you can still contribute your views. Working Together to safeguard children is very clear that all schools (including those in multi-academy trusts) and colleges in the local area should be fully engaged, involved, and included in safeguarding arrangements.

We require your – and your colleagues - views and contributions, please do complete the following surveys:

Late Notifications feedback – please provide us your contact details so we can follow up with you. ​

How do you identify young carers?​ Is there a Young Carers Lead or Champion?​

What support do you give young carers?​ What else could you do?​


Upcoming Events

October 2022


Quick Links:

Local and national updates


Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership updates


DfE Pilot - Centre of Systemic Social Work Practice Bristol SEND Services

Systemic approaches invite us to think about how our values, beliefs and culture shapes and informs what we experience and what we create.

To book, or for further information, please email the


United Against Bullying Programme Bristol

The programme is now open for new registrations. Find out more at the Anti-bullying Alliance.


Children Affected by Parental Offending (CAPO)


Child sexual Abuse  - Safety Planning in Education guidance and plan template

The Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse have created a new guide to support education professionals’ knowledge, skills and confidence to understand and respond to incidents of harmful sexual behaviour and ensure the safety of all children and young people is addressed.

School safety plan template.docx (114 KB)


Preparing for Young Carers on the Schools Census

CarersLine: 0117 965 2200 |

Admin Line: 0117 939 2562 |

Carers Support Centre

The Vassall Centre

Gill Avenue


Bristol BS16 2QQ


Vicki Houselander​: Young Carers In Schools Development Worker

0117 958 9980 | 07732741537 |



Multi-Agency Updates

First Response Update

First Response have noticed that there is often a difference on the webforms we receive between the service initially being requested and the later question about what support would address the worries raised. 

The first question on the webform asks: Which service do you want to request? 


The last question on the webform asks: What support do you think would address the worries you’ve raised? 

We have noticed that there are a high volume of contacts where the answer selected for this first question is “social care (safeguarding response)”, but the answer to the later question Is “family support worker, parenting support” or similar. 

It is very important that these two questions match. So if you are asking for support services, please ensure to check “families in focus” from the start. And if the answer to this question is “a social worker”, select safeguarding response at the start.


Weapons and Drugs in Schools Pathways

In the event that a child is found in possession of a weapon on a school site, Education Inclusion Managers (EIMs) can be contacted the same day to support settings 

EIMs and Youth Justice Support Workers (YJSW) attend the setting to make an initial assessment of the incident with the young person and a responsible adult

One-to-one intervention is allocated to the child straight away and the EIMs advocate on the child’s behalf to maintain their school place

EIMs attend YOT’s Out of Court Disposal panel and are integral to the multi-agency decision-making regarding the incident

A final outcome decision is made 4-6 weeks afterwards, where engagement and level of future risk is evaluated

Further onward referrals are made if required to ensure the child is adequately supported.

Contact the Education Inclusion Managers (Safer Options)