DfE request of assurances to the Local Safeguarding Partnership - please see presentation (pptx).
All safeguarding partners were asked to review the existing COVID-19 plans to assure they reflected the nature and level of risk and harm being faced by children in Bristol (including in the event of increasing absences from education settings). This was undertaken to be clear of plans when responding to the vulnerabilities facing children who have disengaged from education or who don’t return after the school holidays.
Representatives reviewed the response and discussed further action. The overall commentary was for local safeguarding partners to review feedback from colleagues working in schools.
The Safeguarding in Education Team coordinated a scoping workshop to identify defects and areas for development for the Year 11/Post 16 cohort; representation and contributions from schools, settings and partners was significant.
This work has led to further actions, particularly around information sharing and systems development - which may have contributed to deficits in practice. Local Authority officers including the Hope Virtual School, Post 16 NEET and the Safeguarding in Education teams have started a series of meetings and developed actions needed to address concerns raised by the workforce. Colleagues are now planning future workshops for updating on progress and developing practice collaboratively with the workforce.
It is advised for secondary settings to start planning career and engagement sessions for vulnerable learners now if they haven't already done so.
Police Safeguarding Notifications - Data Officers
The Safeguarding in Education team have received assurance for short term funding for one of the Data Officer Posts. As capacity is still adversely impacted, a business proposal has been submitted to the KBSP to identify a long term sustainable solution.
We continue to gather information for Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC), but are unfortunately still unable to make representation at Daily incidents Review Meetings (DIRM). We continue to prioritise on high risk notifications, DIRMs and MARAC notifications, given the team's capacity, amber and green referrals are about a week behind schedule.
For a reminder of what the service currently looks like please click here
Bristol Inclusion Safeguarding update
Helen Macdonald is now in post as Bristol Inclusion Panel Safeguarding Review Officer to implement the recommendations from the BIP safeguarding review.
One strand of this is reviewing the Terms of Reference and the role of the BIP Steering Group. As part of this there is consultation happening around the governance of the Steering Group, it is suggested that: ‘The Education Reference Group will collectively own the process of ensuring that the Steering Group is effectively gathering, monitoring and responding to the data and ensure that it remains fit for purpose throughout the course of the year.
Serious Youth Crime mayoral summit
Plans are in place for a Youth Crime Summit to be held in early summer. Avon and Somerset Police, Safer Options and Bristol City Council are working together to create a high profile event aiming to reduce serious youth violence and knife crime. Both Marvin Rees, Mayor and Asher Craig, Deputy Mayor - Children Services, Education and Equalities, are on board.
Safer Options has now employed five young people between the ages 16-21 to work as Peer Influencers. These young people have lived experience of youth violence and will be contributing with personal insights into the issues affecting young people.
Bristol Partnership Drugs in Schools Pathway
The new guidance has been uploaded on the guidance tab of this website -Offensive Weapons and Controlled Drugs in Educational Settings
Education providers are working with Bristol City Council and Avon & Somerset Constabulary to support young people who have been found in possession of a small or personal amount of a controlled substance. The aim is to safeguard, educate and support pupils regarding substance misuse through targeted sessions from Bristol Drugs Project.
Schools and colleges have a key role at identifying pupils at risk of drug misuse. It is often the case that young people who are using drugs may have complex needs. Our experience tells us that these incidents rarely happen in isolation and there is likely to be other issues that the young person is dealing with. Therefore, we want to recognise that incidents like these are teachable moments that children can learn from with the appropriate support.
If you have any queries, please contact your Safer Options Education Inclusion Manager.
KBSP Participation guidance in Education
Presentation shared by Jennifer Wills, Participation Project Officer, KBSP (pptx)
The Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership are hosting an event into Participation Guidance for Education and youth settings. This event seeks to launch participation & training packages, relaunch the Bristol ideal award and capture advantages of participation for young people.
1. Senior leadership update
2. Lived experience of young people (case studies and poems)
3. Training support.
4. Good practice/ pioneering examples
5. Workshop around themes identified by young people in the "are you ok” workshop.
6. Relaunch of the Bristol ideal award by Public health.
Time and date: Wednesday March 16th 2022, 10am- 2pm
Venue: St Werburgh's Community Centre
Register via Eventbrite here.
Bristol City Council has received notification that following their prioritisation exercise, the Home Office have identified new areas that qualify for Prevent Funding and this year Bristol has met that threshold. In turn the Home Office are affording Bristol City Council the opportunity to apply for funding for 2022-2023, which if granted, will enable us to recruit two new Prevent Specialist roles to deliver an enhanced level of Prevent delivery across the City.
The application for funds was submitted on 21st January. Su Coombes, E&D in Education, attended the Prevent Education Network briefing and plans to provide an update in the next Education Reference Group meeting.