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I am a member of a Governing Body

Quick links and resources to support you with effective safeguarding arrangements as a member of a Governing Body.


Depending on the type of setting, the Governing body may be referred to in different terms (proprietors/management committees/academy councillors/trustees) – however, the responsibilities of managing safeguarding are universal and outlined in Part 2 of Keeping Children Safe in Education.

Safeguarding Governors

The Governing body should have a senior board level (or equivalent) lead to take leadership responsibility for their setting’s safeguarding arrangements. In most setting this role is the Safeguarding Governor.

The Bristol Governor Development Service has created an Information Pack for Safeguarding Governors.docx (212 KB) and a Template for Safeguarding Report.xlsm (145 KB).

In the capacity of critical friends to Designated Safeguarding Leads and Senior Leaders, it is important that governors are equipped to have effective conversations which uphold the standards required of statutory guidance and expectations made by the Local Safeguarding Partnerships. 

To give you an oversight of your setting’s safeguarding practice familiarise yourself with your setting’s version of the statutory Annual Safeguarding Audit, the s.175.

It is anticipated that most colleagues who are assigned to the role will be volunteering their time and have limited capacity. To support the workforce, opportunities to learn, reflect and develop best practice are being facilitated by the Safeguarding in Education Team, Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership Education Reference group, Governors Development Service, and Cabot Learning Federation. 


To access local safeguarding training for Governors  visit the Safeguarding Governors Training page. Please note you will need to sign in to Governors Hub to book a space, or contact the Governor Development Service at

Professional Networks

To assist with continued professional development and to keep up to date with local and national updates, you can also sign up to the free Safeguarding Network for Governors.

Wider support and guidance

There is a wealth of resource available to you both locally and nationally. 

  • For free advice around safeguarding policy and practice, please consider contacting the Safeguarding in Education Team.
  • For more general advice and guidance, support can be obtained as a commissioned offer through the Governor Development Service (part of Trading with schools) - many settings in Bristol have already subscribed to this service. 
  • Many governing bodies and Multi-Academy Trusts already subscribe to The Key – for School Governors - a national website with guidance, resources, templates, and training. 

Recommended Reading

Keeping Children Safe in Education - sets out the legal duties you must follow to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people under the age of 18 in schools and colleges.

Working Together to Safeguard Children - statutory guidance on inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership  - Education Reference group - find out your responsibilities and opportunities to be engaged, involved and included in local safeguarding arrangements.




Resources for strategic Safeguarding